Friday, January 05, 2007

BACK (let's see how this goes)

Three people (I know that is not a heck of a lot, but it is when you are talking in terms of me and the internet, I suppose) have mentioned this blog in the past week. Here are TWO POSTS.

So this first one:

My father has scanned some old photographs from the ol' homestead. In case anyone does not know: I was raised on a potato farm.

This farm:

Of course I came a bit later (same pic with a few notes):

There are a few more- Sorry dad, if you do not want your babyhood likeness up here.
My Grandpa managing the horses:

My grandmother and my aunt (or dad's cousin, can't be sure):

I haven't asked my father who the man and the baby he is holding are. The seated woman in my grandfather. The two children walking are my father and my aunt. The elderly woman is my great grandmother (who I had the pleasure of knowing as a child):

I love this one of Grammy. She still accessorizes for every occassion.

I love looking at these pictures. My father has so many of them. I will have to do more posts like this.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Summer Vacation?

Sorry that I took no time out to blog this summer! I think it can be understood that we had a few other things to do. I am not very good at organizing my indoor time in the summer. We have been heading out the door as early as 7:30 many morning. We return for lunch and nap and most often we head right back out the door again at three! In the evening I turn the computer over to Joe(2) and let him have his small window to get online. All of that doesn't leave very much room for a blog.

I promised the Joes that I would update today. So- here we are. Back again. Enjoy our photos from our summer.... vacation? Maine really is "vacationland". We don't have to go very far to have a real summer vacation type day. We can have a great outing and be home in time for nap!
We spent most of our free time at the beach or at one or the other of our favorite playgrounds. Joseph took to the beach well enough. We learned that he is not a fan of high tide. He does like to go into the water, but like everything, it has to be his idea, his way.

We couldn't have been more pleased that he liked the beach. It is where we want to be as well! We had a good time every time. I did manage to get a terrible ear infection from swimming in the ocean. I guess I will just have to wear earplugs next summer.

Note the picture on the right. That is red marker, not blood.

I am trying to think of the big things that have happened in the last three months. My friends Sarah and Ned had their baby! Forrest Harris Andre de Masseret. Welcome to town!

We played a lot with our friends Simon and Streeter (and Rachel and Pie).

We ate A LOT of fruit (it seems like a silly thing to mention but trust me, our child has a real passion for fruit- each season is a new source of joy. I am not kidding) We visitted with family- pretty much everyone. Uhm-hmmm- I guess, for the most part, we spent a lot of time together just enjoying the weather (and eating fruit).

So uhm, fall is already in the air: my favorite time of year is the September- Christmas span. I tend to take more pictures and have a little more to say? Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I have no pride

YES- We are all getting over colds around here. It has been a very long week of rain and yucky, sniffley, coughy, achey days.
Nothing much to do but wrestle on my bed with a baby and a digital camera. What did people do before all this technology?

How did they document their icky-sicky faces?
How did they share it with their family and friends? It is too bad that Joe was at work. I am sure he is really sad that he missed out on having his sick mug on the internet.
I am sure it has been a real treat so see our sick faces. Joseph enjoyed this a lot.

Be well, friends!!!!

belated mother's day

This is what I saw when I opened my eyes on Mother's Day. We were away on a little weekend retreat with some friends. I don't actually get to wake up to Joseph a mere three feet from my face. I feel like I got to know him a little better.
This entry is a bit late because I have been sort of out of it with a cold and also dealing with a sick baby. It has been a real party in here what with the rain and the colds and all. We did get some sunshine yesterday(and a few sunshine and baby photographs). A belated happy Mother's Day to all of my mommy friends and thanks again to our mommies, Louise and Susan. Thanks for all of your help!
I was just realizing that I never actually have to do any clothes shopping...ever??? Nope. Our thoughtful moms have kept Joseph's drawers full since day one. Same with baby appliances/gear.... we are very fortunate. We don't take it for granted!!! Well.... I think Joseph (III) might but he has yet to thank me for anything like that.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have been spending very little time on the computer these days. Do I always say that? I am bad at keeping up with blogs! It is the same sort of problem I have with journals, scrapbooks; logs of any kind. Here is something. It is an attempt! It is a rainy day and the perfect time to catch up on things I have been meaning to do (clean the fridge, whip up a bunch of summer skirts, finish a baby blanket... well, one of those things would be good enough, I guess). Do we have news? I hate that I cannot think of much to write about now that I am actually doing this!! I mean, I should just go with something. Maybe I will just leave you with these badly put up pictures of the little man.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Spring is here!I thought I would start this post with a couple of pictures of Joseph dancing. The picture quality is terrible, but I just had to catch this.He started standing in front of the stereo. Soon he started to shake one leg. Now he gets down into a full on boogie! Here he is dancing to the White Stripes, one of his favorites. So, yes, it is finally spring. We have been spending every available moment outside. Joseph just loves the playground. Here is the first flower we saw! It is growing right in front of our house. Lucky usMore sun means more time hanging around the ocean. Joseph and I went to the beach this morning. No pictures available besides this one. I was too busy trying to manage a toddler near a large body of water. For the most part he just stood and pointed out at the water shaking. Those of you who know Joseph well know exactly what I mean by shake:)
Also nicer weather means we spend a lot of time just hanging around town.

This is not really on topic, but look at this: can anyone tell me how a farmer's daughter can have such bad luck with plants? Never hurts to put up random pics of Joseph being Joseph. Here he is 'driving' this milk crate around.
He just couldn't wait until I undressed him. I have no idea why that wine sack is lying there.

This is one of the few times in recent history that I have observed him sleeping. Seriously. Joe got him to fall asleep on his shoulder last weekend. Usually his sleep is a bit of a mystery. We know he does it. We just don't actually see him doing it (if we go anywhere near his room he wakes up).

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

sort of cabin fever

It is spring! I know we haven't had much snow but it is not like we can run around outside every dayI was about to run out of indoor activities. Note the one above: 'draw on a calendar and the table'
Can you see the bubbles in this picture? We couldn't wait for bright sunny weather to blow bubbles. Look: gray and brown and cloudy... come on!!!
A street we walk down (and up) every day.
Old St. Dominics looming over our neighborhood (for some reason the bells were ringing the other day?) But look!! Pussy willows!! Joseph was very excited to get these!! I don't think he had ever seen them before!He is out of the parka but still quite suited up when we go outside- We can't wait for warm sunny days outside!!!!

(a closer look at his beautiful art- I was glad that this was a washable marker- Joe told me that he wouldn't mind if it was permanent-I made a note: always buy washable!)